Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I spent part of this evening backing up some files onto the external hard drive that I bought oh so long ago. My laptop is in dire need of a reformatting. I'm totally avoiding the process of backing up and organizing all the crap I have all over this laptop. L.A.Z.Y.Y.Y. So far I've got about 1/8 covered. I came across one of the first illustrations I'd done a few years back. I can't remember exactly when I did it, or even why I did it. It's a little sloppy but I kinda like the way it turned out.


Unknown said...

this somewhat reminds me of my brother - im going to tell him it's him and see what he says.

just in case i havent told you enough: i love your work; you should post more of it.

big exit. said...

it is your brother, Mil.
he poses for me fully clothed, and i feed him cookies and gummy bears.

;) thanks for the compliments; i am a colossal fan of your photos as well.